Okay! So, unfortunately, my companion didn't tell me we were emailing right now, so I don't have my camera on me. I'm so sorry!!!!!!! But I´m here and alive. <Mom note: Pictures from Sister Moss's last day in the CTM are posted below!>
So, my first area is Mossoró (Urick Graff ward), super awesome here! From the mission home it was a 5 hour bus ride, so I'm beyond ready to get to work. But the first week here in Natal has easily been the most difficult week of my life. I hardly understand people - if I understand at all. I'm the only American here in Mossoró - at least it seems like it, but it's been good. Sister Udagawa is my companion and she's incredible! She's so fun, so spiritual and so so patient with my lack of ability to understand her. She's very understanding that learning a new language is very hard and helps as much as she can. She has some of the coolest ways of explaining things to people. she's so sweet and so patient with me. I've been so blessed to have her as my trainer. I'm the only American in my district and there are only 6 of us. 4 sisters and 2 elders. The elders seem really cool so far, I've only been around them once so... but I absolutely love the sisters!! The area is so cool, the people are amazing and so ready for the gospel.
As soon as I got assigned here to Mossoró everyone told me that this is where a lot of the work happens and where everyone is most ready for the gospel. That's definitely proven to be true. Since being here for all of like 5 days we've committed 3 people to baptism. A mother and daughter, and a sweet 11 year old girl. They're all so amazing. The work here is great!
We walk A TON. It's hard but super fun. The area is really big, and I'm usually always lost as to where we are. It seems like all the roads connect somehow but I cant figure it out. The weather here is really hot!!! But it's rained 3 of the 5 days I've been here so that's been great.
We eat lunch with the members because lunch is their big meal of the day. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!! I have yet to find something I don't like. The people here eat cough drops as if they were candy, it's kind of odd but I love it here!!
Yes, my stuff got stolen.... it sucks... it was my official second day and I've already lost ALL of my money, my bag, my Portuguese bible and a sweet key chain for Kade's mission... I'm a little sad about it but the blessing is that neither one of us got hurt. Apparently people have been getting assaulted so it could have been much worse. But were okay! Don't worry!!!
Congratulations Parker and Jordan! So happy for you guys!!! Shannon drive safe please, and give the kiddos hugs and kisses for me. Mom and dad, I love you so much and am so grateful to not only call you my parents but my friends. Thank you for, literally, everything!!
I'm so sorry I didn't send pictures, I wish she would have told me to grab my camera... NEXT WEEK FOR SURE!!!!!! I love you all so much and miss you tons!
Sister Moss <3

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