Monday, April 30, 2018


Hey everyone! so this week was just full of miracles!! Here in Brazil and also back home!! So happy to have the kiddos officially a part of the family! And to have "seen" them make the greatest decision to be baptized on Saturday!! so so happy I had the chance to talk to them a bit on their very very special day!! And yesterday to top everything off, we ended the transfer with 3 baptisms!!! Man I've never felt the spirit so strongly as I did at these baptisms! It was incredible!

So first off we had the baptism for Louise, an 11 year old genius!! Her mom was less active but is starting to go back to church, and brought her to church for the first time 2 weeks ago! Guys she is so so perfect!! we bonded so quickly with her and her mom, we love them so so much!! So when I say she's a genius I'm not lying. She speaks 4 languages and basically taught the lessons to us! It was so awesome! She was so ready and willing to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ and I know that through her, her mom will stay active and her little sister will one day be baptized too! The baptism was awesome! The girls in the Primary sang A Child's Prayer for her and made a cake for her! So freaking cute! It was her moment, she just loved it!! 


 Then after lunch we went back to the church to have the other 2 baptisms! Mother and daughter, Nadja and Amanda! so this story is pretty crazy! Its been about 2 years that Nayla (the oldest daughter) was baptized. Then her sister Pamela, then their brother Gabriel. Within the last 2 years, Nadja wouldn't allow any of the missionaries teach her (we found this out this week). She wanted nothing to do with the church and to be honest was very upset that her children had joined. She was very against all of it. About 2 weeks ago Nayla left for her mission!!! When she left Nadja started coming to church with the rest of her kids. And had that awesome Sunday with President Colleoni talking with her and needless to say she agreed to take the lessons and to be baptized! We were so so excited!! Its amazing how God prepares the people who are really ready! We got to her house to teach her and the asked her youngest daughter if she wanted to be baptized with her mom! She said yes and we started teaching them! Amanda is also very very smart! She pretty much taught everything too! And when we were teaching about the Restoration Nadja asked Amanda why she wanted to be baptized and little Amanda said "because I know the book of Mormon is true"! man i nearly died when she said that!! She is 9 years old and already knows that! Wow! The week went on and we were there at their house every single day! Man I've never seen Satan work so hard on one person to not be baptized, anything that could have gone wrong to prevent the baptism went wrong. But Nadja and Amanda stayed strong and at the end of it all, all went well! The baptism was incredible! The whole ward was there and like 4 sets of missionaries! It was so awesome! The spirit was so so strong!!! There wasn't a dry eye in the room! 

And today Nadja called me and said that her husband who also wanted nothing to do with the church for the longest time decided that this week would be his baptism!!! Guys when he gets baptized, the whole family will be together in the gospel! We'll complete this family! And here in a year and a half (when Nayla gets home) they'll all go to the temple to get sealed for eternity! 

Guys my heart could not be more full! I am so so happy to see the rest of this amazing family enter into the church of Christ! One thing that made me bawl my eyes out yesterday after the baptism is Nadja hugged me and said to me that I am a person very special to her and her family. But little does she know, that her and her family have changed my life! They are my family here! I love them so so much and am so full of love and joy for their decisions to be baptized! Man a mission is the greatest thing ever! I don't even want to go home (sorry mom) haha! 

Love you all so much! Please pray that everything works out for the baptism this week and for everyone to stay strong and active in this amazing gospel! 

With love,
Sister Moss

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