Monday, October 2, 2017

Conferência Geral!!!

For English keep reading! 

Pronto! Então antes que eu falo sobre conferência, eu quero compartilhar sobre esta semana! Primeiramente, esta semana foi última semana desta transferência. Eu achei que vai ser bom, vai ser tranquilo. Algo interessante, Presidente ligou e mandou um divisão! Última semana e a gente tem um divisão, foi muito estranha. Mas, divisão foi bom. Sister Da Rosa e eu trabalhamos muito! E a gente fez muitos novos e contatos pra a próximo transferência. Foi bom!

Beleza, então conferência foi tão muito boa!! Eu senti que todos os apóstolos foram falando comigo e só eu! Eu aprendi muito de conferência, e uma bênção, eu assisti em inglês com Sister Phipps e Elder Bradford. Algos de meu discursos preferidos foi de pessoas dos setenta. Eu gosto muito que eles focaram no coisas e simples que nos precisamos para crescer perto de Deus, sentir influência Dele em nossa vidas e seja aperfeiçoado em Cristo. Por exemplo, leia O Livro de Mórmon diariamente, e não só leia mas estuda, pondera e ora sobre essas coisas que nós estudamos. Deixa as coisas do mundo e foca mais nas coisas de Deus e nossa progressão espiritual. As vezes nós sentimos sozinho em nossa vida e durante nossa dificuldades mas por meio do Expiação de Cristo nós podemos superar nossa problemas, pecados e dificuldades. A Expiação de Cristo é infinita! E e ultrapassa todos os limites. 

Eu amo conferência geral e eu tó muito feliz para ouvir as palavras de nossa profeta e apóstolos vivos! Eu sei que eles são chamou por Deus, para nos guia em esses últimas dias! Eu tó muito feliz que eles são inspirados por Deus com essas coisas para nos ajuda preparar para encontrar Deus e ajudar nossa irmãos e irmãs fazem a mesmo coisa. Eu sei que esta é a igreja de Cristo e que Joseph Smith restaurou esta igreja aqui na terra. Jesus Cristo é nossa Salvador e ele tá sempre conosco em todos as situações. Ele sofreu por cada um de nos e ele nos conhece melhor que qualquer outra pessoa. Ele nos ama para sempre! 

Amo vocês com todo meu coração!!

Sister Moss


Alrighty! So before I talk about conference, I want to share about this week! Firstly, this week was the last week of this transfer. I thought it would be good, it'll be quiet. Something interesting, President called and sent a division! Last week and we have a division, it was very strange. But, division was good. Sister Da Rosa and I work hard! And we made a lot of new ones and contacts for the next transfer. Was good!

Conference time!!! Conference was so very good !! I felt that all the apostles were talking to me and just me! I learned a lot from conference, and a blessing, I watched in English with Sister Phipps and Elder Bradford. Some of my favorite speeches were from the Seventies. John C. Pingree Jr, W. Craig Zwick and Stephen W. Owen just to name a few! I really like that they have focused on the simple things we need to grow close to God, to feel His influence in our lives and to be perfected in Christ. For example, read The Book of Mormon daily, and not only read but study, ponder, and pray about these things that we have studied. Leave the things of the world and focus more on the things of God and our spiritual progression. Sometimes we feel alone in our life and during our difficulties but through the Atonement of Christ we can overcome our problems, sins and difficulties. The Atonement of Christ is infinite! And it goes beyond all limits.

I love general conference and I'm so happy to hear the words of our living prophet and apostles! I know they are called by God, to guide us in these last days! I'm very happy that they are inspired by God with these things to help us prepare to meet God and help our brothers and sisters do the same thing. I know this is the church of Christ and that Joseph Smith restored this church here on earth. Jesus Christ is our Savior and he is always with us in all situations. He suffered for each of us and he knows us better than anyone else. He loves us forever!

I love you with all my heart !!

Sister Moss

Questions and Answers 

How's the work? Work is a little slow, it's been really hard this transfer. 

The language? The language is much much easier, more normal and casual. Sometimes I still have a hard time understanding but its still getting better! 

What are your thoughts and feelings about your mission and the things you've learned so far? I am beyond thankful for my mission and know with every fiber of my being that this is the work of the Lord. That without Him and His help, I would literally just be a tourist here. 

Any special music help get you through this week? I really like listening to hymns

Sister Moss's letter home to Dad

Aww daddy so cool!! Please keep my updated on your missionary work too! Work here has been really hard, no one wants to hear from us and when we find someone who does, my companion is not in the mood to work. It's been a really hard transfer, I'm hoping my next companion can help me find those people that maybe I missed this transfer.. Aww yay, I knew everything would go well with the new kiddos! Did you guys take pictures? I want to see my family! Sounds like so much fun!! I want to go to the aquarium with them all when I get home, ok? thanks! Haha everyone I tell that I have 4 new siblings thinks I'm joking and asks how that's even possible. Haha! It's crazy to think that there are 10 of us, but it seems so natural to tell people that there are 10 kids in the family. I know for a fact that this was always the plan, and I'm so happy that you and mom followed the spirit at just the right times to still have the opportunity recieve the rest of our family! 


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