Monday, August 21, 2017

Mawwiage, Mawwiage is What Brings us Togewah Today!!

Haha hey y'all!! So if you couldn't tell by the title we had a wedding and a baptism this week!! A cute little family!! R, J and J!
I've decided all I need is a temple wedding because all the other stuff is too much work!! You're welcome dad! 

No but seriously the wedding was fantastic!! So of course with any wedding and pretty much anything in life we had our difficulties. First off, J's dress wouldn't close. And we tried I think 3 other dresses that didn't work. The day of the wedding I don't know how but the dress zipped and she looked absolutely stunning! Second, J works with one of the members in our ward and they're really close. Well the day before the wedding the member was working on wedding stuff and tripped and fractured her nose. They almost cancelled the wedding and baptism so she could be there. R forgot the papers to sign when they got married. Literally anything that could have happened to prevent this wedding and baptism basically happened. 

But, God always prevails and the wedding was incredible and the baptism beautiful!! 

Most of our week was filled with wedding planning and making sure everything was done and ready for the big day. So we didn't do a whole lot of teaching this week, but the teaching we did get done was really good. Real good quality lessons with real good quality investigators! 

Oh this week I went to the hospital. People here get so preoccupied with little things it's funny. So on Thursday my toe started to hurt while i was walking and if you know me I didn't really think much of it. It's only one toe, I have 9 others right? Well Friday morning when I woke up it hurt still, and was super swollen. One of the sisters thought it was broken and called President Colleoni. Needless to say, within 30 minutes President and Sister Colleoni were in my area to pick me up and take me to the hospital! It's not broken. haha! 

I know with all my heart that this is the true restored gospel here on the earth! That Jesus Christ suffered, died and rose again for every single one of us, to give us the opportunity to work and live with him again after this life! That by and through Him we can all have eternal life!! I love this work and feel beyond honored to assist in helping my brothers and sisters gain this knowledge and truth for themselves. 

Love you all! Hope you all have an amazing week!

Oh and this week is transfers!! I'll let you all know what happens next week! This transfer was great and I learned so much with Sisters Camilio and Nobre! Feel very lucky with the companions that I have had thus far!! 

okay byyyee!!

com amor,
Sister Moss
Brazil has pretty sunsets too!


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