Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week Two - CTM - Blessing

Oi Everyone!!!

Okay so I'm so sorry I didn't get to finish telling you about last week. Basically, Sundays are the greatest days ever!! With sacrament, class, and devotionals it's so insanely spiritual. I was super sad to see some really awesome Sisters leave this week, but I know they're going to be amazing! They've been like the big sisters of the CTM for me! It's crazy how close you can come to some people in just a super short amount of time.

I have restarted reading the Book of Mormon, I'm determined to read it front to back in both English and Portuguese (an apostle once promised that if you read the Book of Mormon front to back in English and mission language you will become fluent in the language. So I thought I'd give it a try.) Um, this week has been kind of stressful and difficult. I feel like after p-day we all kind of were unfocused. I've struggled a lot with understanding the language. I know that if I knew what they were saying I'd be able to respond.

But I got a blessing yesterday from Elder Kozlowski. He's incredible, and he said something that really stuck out to me. He said that I need to be patient with the gift of tongues and that through my faith it will work out. I really needed to hear that. I'm glad to have such amazing elders in my district that are so in tune with the spirit that they can tell me everything I need to hear.
Other than that its really just been the same stuff. Classes all day. Lots of studying. I really love the Book of Mormon. It's such an amazing book.

Eu sei que o livro de mormon es verdade. eu sei que Joseph Smith es o profeta de Deus.

It's short and sweet but I know this is the true church. There are so many things in my life that prove that to be true. I love Brazil and I miss you all so much!

Until next week.... much love everyone!

Sister Moss

PS. Temple was great - we went to Sao Paulo today. It's absolutely gorgeous!!!

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